Google has announced, during through the official communication , to be able to recognize certain viruses on PCs, exploiting and analyzing the data available. The page of search results can then inform the end user about the presence of a virus on your system, alerting.
Here's how, if Google detect unusual activity on the PC, the user will be warned:
Google explains it this way as it is able to activate this particular functionality:
"Recently, during our analysis of daily routines for maintenance, we found unusual traffic for some research on our data of a percent. After working with some security experts within the companies, in part, generated the traffic we discovered that the computer showed that a particular behavior were infected with malware and determined. As a result of this research, today, some users will receive, when browsing the message alert on the search page. "
It is, on balance, the first time a search engine provides a kind of protection to the end user, warning of a possible direct current infection on your PC. The case is still isolated and linked directly to a particular type of Malware: challenging the popular search engine Google to go to compete with the popular anti-virus products on the market for years.
The discovery highlights how they may be, thanks to expert analysis, application areas of data held by Google and linked directly to the search keywords.
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